Extra-UNM Resources
In addition to the services offered by the UNM Veterans Resource Center, there are many other services and resources available to veterans and military personnel in New Mexico. Below are links to some of those resources that we believe are the most helpful to those making the transition from military to civilian and student life.
Veterans Transition Solutions of New Mexico:
VTSNM is a non-profit organization providing the Veteran and their family (spouse and children) low cost or no cost housing while the Veteran is utilizing their GI Bill to further their education. The support would continue after the Veteran receives their degree, certificate, or specialized training and until the Veteran is gainfully employed for a period of time as to satisfy the requirements for using the VA Loan program. Once the Veteran is eligible and financially ready to use the VA Loan, they will have the option to purchase the home that Veterans Transition Solutions of New Mexico has provided for them. Like them on Facebook: www.facebook.com/vtsnm.
Homestart Housing Services:
Homestart is a full-service non-profit agency promoting affordable home ownership through financial counseling and educational classes, designed to help New Mexico's moderate-income residents become successful home owners. Click here for more information.
Branch of Service Sites
Army - Continuing Education System
Army - National Guard Education Support Center
Coast Guard - Voluntary Education
Marine Corps - Lifelong Learning